Archos produces high-end consumer electronics for the European market, including tablets, smartphones and other devices. By combining innovation with affordability, Archos has pioneered a range of new technologies throughout its history, from the first Android tablet to the first connected smart home. “We always aim to make unconventional products,” says CEO Loïc Poirier. “Android helps us channel our innovation by always adapting and improving, which leaves us room to create distinctive smart devices that are affordable and accessible.” As early adopters, Archos has been developing on Android for seven years, and today more than 70% of its devices are produced on the platform. “Before Android, we had to maintain and evolve our own operating system. Now, with Android, we’ve turned the operating system into a commodity, and we benefit from a continually evolving ecosystem,” says CTO Marc de Courville. “Being able to provide the services and apps available through Android is an important benefit for our customers.” For Loïc, the key to Android is its openness, which allows for healthy competition in the marketplace and more affordable smart devices being available to consumers. He also sees Android as a significant factor in the company’s continual growth. “It’s hard to overstate the impact of Android on our business. We’ve doubled in size in less than six years and we are now in the top-five smartphone providers in Europe,” says Loïc.
Android helps us channel our innovation by always adapting and improving, which leaves us room to create distinctive smart devices that are affordable and accessible.Loïc Poirier, CEO, Archos
Android’s open platform has allowed Archos to compete in the marketplace and offer more affordable smart devices. As a result, Archos has doubled in size in less than six years.